
Coronavirus • 14 March 2020

Paul writes in 2 Timothy 1:7, “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” The context is different than our present situation, but the reality behind the passage still applies — it is love and self-control, not fear that must lead our lives and decisions. Love is what is driving this decision.

We have been carefully and prayerfully watching the developments associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19). In addition to reliable sources and the public declaration of a national state of emergency, we have consulted competent believers in the medical field for a fuller understanding and counsel. Most recently, we were made aware that the Fairfax County Health Department plans to announce a rise in cases, and we are also aware of at least one exposure within our own church community.

The combination of these and other factors suggest that it is right and loving to purposefully act on behalf of those who are vulnerable among us — those within our church family and our spheres of contact. Medical counsel suggests that the immediate threat level of this virus is much higher than influenza. At this time, our plan is to cancel all regular church activities, meetings, and office hours beginning Sunday, March 15, through Saturday, March 21. Our pastoral and elder leadership will meet to discuss how to best accommodate future changes and to minimize whatever effects we can to normal church life. Please join us in praying for our community.

The foundation of our faith has not moved. Know that we are truly hopeful because of whose we are. Our desire is to resume normal activities as soon as it is possible to responsibly do so. Please see our website or social media platforms (Facebook • Instagram • Twitter) or call the church office (703.278.8166) for the latest updates.

In Christ’s love,
Pastor Jonathan Parker
