Wednesdays • 6:30pm–8pm
What is Awana?
“AWANA is a global, nonprofit ministry committed to the belief that the greatest impact for Christ starts with kids who know, love, and serve Him [Jesus Christ].”* It offers a fun, proven approach for early evangelism and discipleship. Scripture-based programs and exciting games promote Bible literacy and help kids develop lifelong faith in Christ.
Clubs We Offer
PreK (Ages 3–5)
K–2nd Grade
Truth & Training
3rd–6th Grade
A Regular Night Will Have…
Handbook Time
Clubbers memorize Scripture, talk with leaders, and hide God’s Word in their hearts!
Game Time
Games, games, games! Depending on the season, we will play indoor or outdoor games like kickball, sharks and minnows, scooter soccer, and many more!
Council Time
Kids will dive deep into Scripture with a large group Bible study tailored to their club’s age group.
Awards Time
Clubbers earn awards by memorizing Scripture and completing sections in their handbooks, and they will be presented during the Awards Time at the end of every club night!
*Awana, 2024, Who We Are, accessed Jul 17, 2024, <https://www.awana.org/careers/who-we-are/>